Cheyenne "Chantel" Weaver
Loved by all and all she loved.
Cheyenne loved to sun herself on the deck on a beautiful day. She loved treats, family, her baby fur buddies, to go “bye, bye” and just being with us.
Cheyenne loved laying under the plum tree, peeking out thinking we couldn’t see her so she could roll and get that dirt she loved on her beautiful white coat.
Cheyenne’s dislikes were few… the vacuum, being told to go to bed, and the numbers 1,2, and 3.
She brought so much joy to all our lives.
The lord blessed us with having Cheyenne a member of our family.
I pray there is a place for her in heaven. We love you so.
Please take time to sign Cheyenne's guestbook at Cheyenne is being cared for by Avink Pet Memorial, 129 South Grand Schoolcraft, MI 49087 (269)679-5622.