Toast Hoffman, of Kalamazoo, passed away on Tuesday, February 9, 2021. Toast was a 5 year old family member of Laura Hoffman.
I brought Toast home after she was removed from a bad situation. She was taking away from her mom before she was ready to be weaned. She was a tiny little puff of fuzz. She was black and gray and looked like a piece of burned toast. She became my little shadow right away. She was always under my feet, or burying her head in my shoes.
Shortly after we got her she knocked over a candle and got covered in wax. It took days to get it all cleaned off.
She also liked to race up the stairs if she thought anyone was on the way to the bathroom. She would sit on the toilet lid and when you moved her off she would stare at you until were done. One time she did this but the seat wasn't closed, she jumped right into the toilet. We started calling her "bathroom cat".
She kept me company while my oldest daughter was on overseas deployment and youngest daughter went off to college.
She stayed by my side early last Spring when I extremely ill. She helped sew and craft and study. I loved her for she soaked up so many tears and her loud and steady purr would ease my storm. She comforted me through loss, illness and injury. She was a very sweet soul. She was dearly loved.
Mama's baby girl. My Toady, Toto, Toast.
Stay away from lit candles and open toilets in heaven. Until we meet again.
Please take time to sign Toast's guestbook at Toast is being cared for by Avink Pet Memorial, 129 South Grand Schoolcraft, MI 49087 (269)679-5622.